Monthly Library Welcome

    1. *Welcome to Master Academy!

    2. *Join the Online BeeVet Community!

    1. *Appropriate methods for administering treatments to honey bee colonies

    2. *Treatment timing impacts colony health and productivity

    3. *Evaluate treatment outcomes and adjust protocols

    1. *Inspecting the Hive: Reading

    2. *Inspecting the Hive: Video

    3. *5 Inspection Questions

    4. *Actionable management plans

    1. *Design treatment plans tailored to specific health conditions

    2. *Integrate treatments into broader management practices

    3. *Create animal health protocol templates for use in beekeeping operations

    1. *July 31, 2025. 12 pm MT

    1. *August 28th, 2025. 12 pm MT.

  • $149.00
  • 3 CE Credits